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新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Scholarship for an outstanding researcher

Xianghao Zhan

Xianghao Zhan is a PhD candidate in the Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University, 美国. Xianghao来自中国,拥有浙江大学控制科学与工程学士学位和英语语言文学学士学位. 

Xianghao focuses on the optimisation of computational modelling of traumatic brain injury. 他的研究使人们能够更好地理解大脑变形机制以及生物力学载荷如何导致血脑屏障破坏. He develops a fast, 建立了准确、通用的计算模型,大大减少了TBI研究的时间花费. 计算模型将帮助研究人员从测量的运动学中计算大脑变形. His work will enable clinicians to monitor TBI risks in a real-time manner. With a combination of sensor signal recordings and processing in wearable devices, the risk of a head impact can be evaluated.

在NPJ Digital Medicine上以第一/共同第一作者的身份发表了15篇期刊和会议论文, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. He was one of three international grand finalists of the 新萄新京十大正规网站 PresentIn10 contest 2021. 他说,这个奖项是他开始另一段研究旅程的动力. With this motivation and encouragement, 他将致力于研究脑变形与TBI病理之间缺失的联系,并努力建立模型,以造福于TBI的预防.

Hudswell International Research Scholarship


克里沙努·戴伊是卡文迪什实验室的剑桥印度拉马努金物理学博士学者, University of Cambridge and is a member of Churchill College.

Belonging to a remote border town in the state of Assam in 印度, 克里沙努一直着迷于光-电或光子-电子的相互作用,这些相互作用已经彻底改变了许多现代电子发明. 太阳能光伏研究对他很有吸引力,他有太阳能驱动的水分解和各种光伏材料技术的工作经验. These included III-V tandem solar cells, CIGS solar cells and perovskite solar cells.

在他的博士阶段, Krishanu正在使用一系列光谱学和电学方法来揭示混合铅锡卤化钙钛矿材料的各种基本光电特性,这些材料是下一代全钙钛矿串联太阳能电池的关键组成部分. 他还利用从这些基础研究中获得的许多见解来制造具有最小损失通道的实验室规模的高效率混合铅锡钙钛矿太阳能电池.

Hudswell国际研究奖学金将帮助他通过开展几项内部和外部合作,探索用于反向发光过程的卤化物钙钛矿材料. 该奖学金将支持他在来年的主要国际科学会议上传播他的工作. 

新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Prize

Valeria Raffuzzi

Valeria Raffuzzi is a PhD student in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Cambridge.

她的研究重点是通过优化核数据的表示来加速高保真中子输运模拟的计算方法. 这项工作对于支持和加速核裂变和未来聚变反应堆的设计阶段至关重要.

Valeria is also one of the lead developers of SCONE, the first high-performance Monte Carlo particle transport code written in the UK in 40 years. SCONE is also the UK’s only open source reactor physics tool. After the end of her PhD, Valeria hopes to keep working on SCONE to broaden its scope to other fields, such as nuclear medicine and space applications.


新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Prize

Saylee Jangam

Saylee is a PhD student in Bioengineering at Imperial College London. 她的研究重点是用于感染监测的可穿戴微针生物传感器的开发, to detect early warning signs of sepsis and optimise antimicrobial drug dosing.

Prior to her PhD, Saylee是印度科学研究所的研究助理,在那里她参与开发了光谱管, 一种新型临床标本采集和运输设备,为印度农村的结核病患者提供远程诊断.

As the former Vice President of GapSummit, a bio-entrepreneurship conference addressing the biggest gaps in biotechnology, she co-led the organisation on the first virtual GapSummit during the pandemic. This brought together 100 Leaders of Tomorrow from more than 40 countries.


新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Prize


贾歌来自中国,是机械与航天工程学院的博士生, Queen’s University Belfast.


After graduating from Northwestern Polytechnical University, 西安, 中国, Jia started his PhD in Aerospace Engineering, where he is the recipient of an EPSRC fully-funded PhD studentship. 他的研究重点是由新型可持续热塑性复合材料组成的航空结构的先进制造. 他的研究通过提高制造效率和使用可持续材料来解决航空航天工业脱碳的迫切需求.

新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖将帮助贾进一步实现他的研究目标,并报名参加培训课程,以扩大他的新萄新京十大正规网站知识和技能. This award can also fund his travel to conferences to disseminate his research. 他的目标是在可持续航空结构制造领域进行博士后研究,为实现净零排放目标做出贡献.

新萄新京十大正规网站 Postgraduate Prize


罗尼史密斯 is a PhD student at the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics, as part of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Robotics & Autonomous Systems at Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh. 他的研究重点是为在家日常生活中需要支持的人提供主动机器人帮助.

罗尼的研究汇集了许多主题,使人类“参与其中”,并赋予他们对自己的辅助技术的所有权. This includes applying active learning to activity recognition, using a novel conversational interface. 这减少了对监督学习的需求,并有助于处理用户行为或环境的长期变化. 目前, Ronnie专注于使用会话代理,允许用户在活动期间向机器人寻求帮助, 以便在未来检测到该活动时智能地提供主动援助.

通过新萄新京十大正规网站研究生奖对他的工作的认可将有助于罗尼推广他的工作,并促进与护理行业利益相关者的接触. The prize will also support him in disseminating the results of his work. Ronnie hopes to continue his work on assistive robotics through post-doctoral research.

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